Note: This article was formerly called "PL/SQL Call Trees from DBA_IDENTIFIERS Data". For the purpose of this article, Call Tree, Call Graph, and Call Hierarchy are all the same. (
Steven Feuerstein has an excellent article on "
Use PL/Scope to analyze your PL/SQL". The PL/Scope functionality became available in Oracle11g. Its basic function is to populate the DBA_IDENTIFIERS table with all PL/SQL identifiers found while compiling database objects. Steven's post goes on to show an "Identifier Hierarchy" of variables, parameters, and other components of a particular package body.
Many years after Steven's post, I began supporting some rather complex PL/SQL in Oracle11g. I found a great tool called
ClearDB Documenter 4 that would (among other things) display a "PL/SQL Call Tree". This was extremely handy for understanding the relationships between the many packages on the system. However, I wanted a way to get the PL/SQL Call Tree in an SQL report that I could further manipulate. I was able to coax the needed information from DBA_IDENTIFIERS, but it wasn't easy.
At the heart of the problem is a lack of documentation on the contents of DBA_IDENTIFIERS. After some reverse-engineering, I developed these guidelines for the contents of DBA_IDENTIFIERS.
- OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, and OBJECT_TYPE are unique database objects.
- USAGE_ID is a unique location and usage within a unique database object.
- USAGE_CONTEXT_ID points to a USAGE_ID within a unique database object.
- USAGE_CONTEXT_ID = 0 for top level database object "DECLARATION".
- USAGE_ID with "CALL" identifies the calling program location.
- SIGNATURE with "CALL" identifies the called program name and type.
- SIGNATURE with "DECLARATION" is globally unique.
- SIGNATURE with "DEFINITION" can be redefined and may not exist for all objects.
- SIGNATURE is the same for package specification and body.
- OBJECT_NAME matches NAME and OBJECT_TYPE matches TYPE for functions and procedures that are not in packages.
- "DECLARATION" and "DEFINITION" for synonyms and triggers match OBJECT_NAME with NAME and OBJECT_TYPE with TYPE.
- "DECLARATION" for packages match OBJECT_NAME with NAME and OBJECT_TYPE with TYPE
With these guidelines, I was able to construct some queries for the PL/SQL call tree. However, the queries took too long to run. So, I developed these actions to enable faster access to the data in DBA_IDENTIFIERS...
UPDATE (28-Mar-2016): Added this section to recompile all source.
Recompile All Source
(Run this as system)
for buff in (
select username from dba_users
-- where nvl(oracle_maintained,'N' = 'N') -- for 12c
and ( owner not in ('ANONYMOUS', 'APPQOSSYS', 'CTXSYS', 'DBSNMP', 'DIP',
or owner not like 'APEX\_' escape '\'); -- for 11gXE
) loop
DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema (
schema => buff.username,
compile_all => TRUE,
reuse_settings => FALSE);
for trig in (
select object_name from dba_objects
where object_type = 'TRIGGER'
and owner = buff.username )
execute immediate 'ALTER TRIGGER ' || buff.username ||
'.' || trig.object_name || ' COMPILE';
exception when others then null;
end loop;
end loop;
UPDATE (28-Mar-2016): Added this function to compute un-named PL/SQL block start line in trigger source.
Create Trigger Offset Function
UPDATE (29-Dec-2016): Added this grant for the function below.
(Run this as sys): grant select on dba_source to system with grant option;
(Run this as system)
create FUNCTION temp_trigger_offset
(dout_name_in in varchar2
,dout_type_in in varchar2
,dout_owner_in in varchar2)
return number
if nvl(dout_type_in,'BOGUS') <> 'TRIGGER' then
--dbms_output.put_line('TEMP_TRIGGER_OFFSET: Not a TRIGGER: ' || dout_type_in);
return 0;
end if;
for buff in (
select line, text from dba_source
where name = dout_name_in
and type = dout_type_in
and owner = dout_owner_in
order by line )
if regexp_instr(buff.text,
'(^declare$' ||
'|^declare[[:space:]]' ||
'|[[:space:]]declare$' ||
'|[[:space:]]declare[[:space:]])', 1, 1, 0, 'i') <> 0
'(^begin$' ||
'|^begin[[:space:]]' ||
'|[[:space:]]begin$' ||
'|[[:space:]]begin[[:space:]])', 1, 1, 0, 'i') <> 0
--dbms_output.put_line('TEMP_TRIGGER_OFFSET: ' || buff.line - 1');
return buff.line - 1;
end if;
end loop;
--dbms_output.put_line('TEMP_TRIGGER_OFFSET: Did not find DECLARE or BEGIN');
return 0;
END temp_trigger_offset;
UPDATE (13-Jan-2016): In order to capture all cross-schema references, run these statements as SYSTEM or another DBA user. Tables are created with the prefix "TEMP_" in the name. There is a CLEANUP at the bottom.
UPDATE (28-Mar-2016): Added SYSAUX tablespaces, TEMP_DBA_SOURCE table, and table/column comments.
Copy Some Tables
Make a copy of DBA_IDENTIFIERS and index it for speed. (Run this as system)
create table temp_dba_identifiers
tablespace SYSAUX
select * from dba_identifiers;
create unique index temp_dba_identifiers$uk1
on temp_dba_identifiers (owner, object_name, object_type, usage_id)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_dba_identifiers$ix1
on temp_dba_identifiers (signature)
tablespace SYSAUX;
comment on table temp_dba_identifiers is
'Static, indexed version of information about the identifiers in all stored objects in the database';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.OWNER is
'Required owner of the identifier';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.NAME is
'Name of the identifier';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.SIGNATURE is
'Signature of the identifier';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.TYPE is
'Type of the identifier';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.OBJECT_NAME is
'Required name of the object where the identifier action occurred';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.OBJECT_TYPE is
'Type of the object where the identifier action occurred';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.USAGE is
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.USAGE_ID is
'Unique key for the identifier usage within the object';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.LINE is
'Line number of the identifier action';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.COL is
'Column number of the identifier action';
comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.USAGE_CONTEXT_ID is
'Context USAGE_ID of the identifier usage';
--comment on column temp_dba_identifiers.ORIGIN_CON_ID is
-- 'The ID of the container where the data originates. Possible values include: 0: This value is used for rows in non-CDBs. This value is not used for CDBs. n: This value is used for rows containing data that originate in the container with container ID n (n = 1 if the row originates in root)'; -- Oracle 12c
Make a copy of DBA_SOURCE and index it for speed.
create table temp_dba_source
tablespace SYSAUX
select * from dba_source;
create index temp_dba_source$ix1
on temp_dba_source (owner, name, type, line)
tablespace SYSAUX;
comment on table temp_dba_source is
'Static, indexed version of text source descriptions of all stored objects in the database';
comment on column temp_dba_source.OWNER is
'Required owner of the object';
comment on column temp_dba_source.NAME is
'Required name of the object';
comment on column temp_dba_source.TYPE is
comment on column temp_dba_source.LINE is
'Required line number of this line of source';
comment on column temp_dba_source.TEXT is
'Text source of the stored object';
--comment on column temp_dba_source.ORIGIN_CON_ID is
-- 'The ID of the container where the data originates. Possible values include: 0: This value is used for rows in non-CDBs. This value is not used for CDBs. n: This value is used for rows containing data that originate in the container with container ID n (n = 1 if the row originates in root)'; -- Oracle 12c
Make a copy of DBA_DEPENDENCIES and index it for speed.
create table temp_dba_dependencies
tablespace SYSAUX
select * from dba_dependencies
where referenced_type in ('TABLE','VIEW','SYNONYM','MATERIALIZED VIEW')
-- and owner not in (select username from dba_users
-- where oracle_maintained = 'Y' ); -- for 12c
and ( owner not in ('ANONYMOUS', 'APPQOSSYS', 'CTXSYS', 'DBSNMP', 'DIP',
or owner not like 'APEX\_' escape '\'); -- for 11gXE
create index temp_dba_dependencies$ix1
on temp_dba_dependencies (owner, name, type)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_dba_dependencies$ix2
on temp_dba_dependencies (referenced_owner, referenced_name, referenced_type)
tablespace SYSAUX;
comment on table temp_dba_dependencies is
'Static, indexed version of all dependencies between selected objects (TABLE,VIEW,SYNONYM,MATERIALIZED VIEW) in the database. This view does not display the SCHEMAID column';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.OWNER is
'Required owner of the object';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.NAME is
'Name of the object';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.TYPE is
'Type of the object';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.REFERENCED_OWNER is
'Owner of the referenced object (remote owner if remote object)';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.REFERENCED_NAME is
'Name of the referenced object';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.REFERENCED_TYPE is
'Type of the referenced object';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.REFERENCED_LINK_NAME is
'Name of the link to the parent object (if remote)';
comment on column temp_dba_dependencies.DEPENDENCY_TYPE is
'Indicates whether the dependency is a REF dependency (REF) or not (HARD)';
Main Call Tree Table
Create the main call tree table
- SRC - identifiers are all about this, the source code.
- TGT - The target of the SRC usage, like a reference or a call
- CTX - The current context of the source code, what SRC this SRC is under
- PAR - The parent context is a function, procedure, or package this CTX is under
create table temp_ident_assocs
tablespace SYSAUX
select tgt.owner tgt_object_owner
,tgt.object_type tgt_object_type
,tgt.object_name tgt_object_name
, tgt_name
,tgt.type tgt_type
,src.owner src_object_owner
,src.object_type src_object_type
,src.object_name src_object_name
,src.usage par_usage -- BOGUS placed holder data
, par_name -- BOGUS placed holder data
,src.type par_type -- BOGUS placed holder data
,ctx.usage ctx_usage
, ctx_name
,ctx.type ctx_type
,src.usage src_usage
, src_name
,src.type src_type
,case when src.object_type = 'TRIGGER'
then src.line + temp_trigger_offset
,src.owner )
else src.line end src_line
,src.col src_col
,dbas.text src_text
,tgt.signature tgt_signature
,ctx.signature par_signature
,ctx.signature ctx_signature
,src.signature src_signature
,src.usage_id src_usage_id
from temp_dba_identifiers src
left join temp_dba_identifiers tgt on (tgt.signature = src.signature)
and tgt.usage = 'DECLARATION'
left join temp_dba_identifiers ctx on (ctx.owner = src.owner
and ctx.object_name = src.object_name
and ctx.object_type = src.object_type
and ctx.usage_id = src.usage_context_id)
left join temp_dba_source dbas on (dbas.owner = src.owner
and dbas.type = src.object_type
and = src.object_name
and dbas.line = src.line);
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix1
on temp_ident_assocs (tgt_object_name, tgt_object_type, tgt_object_owner)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix2
on temp_ident_assocs (src_object_owner, src_object_name, src_object_type, src_line)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix3
on temp_ident_assocs (src_object_name, src_object_type, src_object_owner, src_usage_id)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix4
on temp_ident_assocs (tgt_signature, src_usage)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix5
on temp_ident_assocs (src_signature)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix6
on temp_ident_assocs (ctx_signature)
tablespace SYSAUX;
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.tgt_object_owner is
'Target database object owner that is being called or referenced';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.tgt_object_type is
'Target database object type that is being called or referenced';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.tgt_object_name is
'Target database object name that is being called or referenced';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.tgt_name is
'Target element name (procedure, function, etc.) being called or referenced';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.tgt_type is
'Target element type (procedure, function, etc.) being called or referenced';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_object_owner is
'Database object owner that is the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_object_type is
'Database object type that is the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_object_name is
'Database object name that is the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.par_usage is
'Parent context usage (call, reference, etc) of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.par_name is
'Parent context name of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.par_type is
'Parent context type of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.ctx_usage is
'Context usage (call, reference, etc) of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.ctx_name is
'Context name of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.ctx_type is
'Context type of source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_usage is
'Usage (call, reference, etc) of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_name is
'Name of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_type is
'Type of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_line is
'Database object line number of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_col is
'Database object column number of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_text is
'Text of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.tgt_signature is
'Target signature that is being called or referenced';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.par_signature is
'Parent context signature of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.ctx_signature is
'Context signature of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_signature is
'Signature of the source of the call or reference';
comment on column temp_ident_assocs.src_usage_id is
'Unique location and usage within a database object';
Populate as much parent context as possible from the same source line (fast)
update temp_ident_assocs dia
set (par_usage, par_name, par_type, par_signature) = (
select ctx.ctx_usage, ctx.ctx_name, ctx.ctx_type, ctx.ctx_signature
from temp_ident_assocs ctx
where ctx.ctx_type in ('FUNCTION','PACKAGE','PROCEDURE','SYNONYM','TRIGGER')
and ctx.ctx_usage in ('DECLARATION','DEFINITION')
and ctx.src_object_owner = dia.src_object_owner
and ctx.src_object_type = dia.src_object_type
and ctx.src_object_name = dia.src_object_name
and ctx.src_line = dia.src_line
and ctx.src_usage_id = (
select max(mc.src_usage_id) from temp_ident_assocs mc
and mc.ctx_usage in ('DECLARATION','DEFINITION')
and mc.src_object_owner = dia.src_object_owner
and mc.src_object_type = dia.src_object_type
and mc.src_object_name = dia.src_object_name
and mc.src_line = dia.src_line
and mc.src_usage_id <= dia.src_usage_id ) );
Populate all other parent context from previous source lines (slow)
update temp_ident_assocs dia
set (par_usage, par_name, par_type, par_signature) = (
select ctx.ctx_usage, ctx.ctx_name, ctx.ctx_type, ctx.ctx_signature
from temp_ident_assocs ctx
where ctx.ctx_type in ('FUNCTION','PACKAGE','PROCEDURE','SYNONYM','TRIGGER')
and ctx.ctx_usage in ('DECLARATION','DEFINITION')
and ctx.src_object_owner = dia.src_object_owner
and ctx.src_object_type = dia.src_object_type
and ctx.src_object_name = dia.src_object_name
and ctx.src_usage_id = (
select max(mc.src_usage_id) from temp_ident_assocs mc
and mc.ctx_usage in ('DECLARATION','DEFINITION')
and mc.src_object_owner = dia.src_object_owner
and mc.src_object_type = dia.src_object_type
and mc.src_object_name = dia.src_object_name
and mc.src_usage_id <= dia.src_usage_id ) )
where par_signature is null;
Add the missing context for declarations and definitions
update temp_ident_assocs
set ctx_usage = src_usage
,ctx_name = src_name
,ctx_type = src_type
,ctx_signature = src_signature
,par_usage = src_usage
,par_name = src_name
,par_type = src_type
,par_signature = src_signature
where src_usage in ('DECLARATION','DEFINITION')
and ctx_signature is null
and tgt_signature = src_signature;
This appears to be a bug in PLSCOPE because some context_usage_id's don't exist. So, we will fix that.
update temp_ident_assocs dia
set ctx_usage = par_usage
,ctx_name = par_name
,ctx_type = par_type
,ctx_signature = par_signature
where ctx_signature is null
and par_signature is not null;
Create the last index on temp_ident_assocs
create index temp_ident_assocs$ix7
on temp_ident_assocs (par_signature, src_usage);
Call Tree Query
Done! Now to run a PL/SQL Call Tree Query. Pick a function or procedure in a package that calls other functions and/or procedures. Run the following SQL with ":OWNER" as the package owner, ":PKG_NAME" as the package name, and ":PROC_NAME" as the function or procedure name. (Updated SQL 04-Jun-2015).
with par as (
select * from temp_ident_assocs
where src_object_owner = upper(:OWNER)
and src_object_name = upper(:PKG_NAME)
and src_name = upper(:PROC_NAME)
and src_usage = 'DECLARATION'
), nodes as (
select tgt_signature
,src_object_owner calling_owner
,src_object_name || '.' ||
par_name calling_name
,par_type calling_type
,tgt_object_owner called_owner
,tgt_object_name || '.' ||
tgt_name called_name
,tgt_type called_type
from temp_ident_assocs
where src_usage = 'CALL'
and tgt_type != 'CURSOR'
and tgt_object_owner != 'SYS'
--select * from par;
--select * from nodes;
select calling_owner
,LPAD('-| ', (Level-1)*3, '-|-') || calling_name calling_name
from nodes
START WITH par_signature in (select src_signature from par)
CONNECT BY NOCYCLE par_signature = PRIOR tgt_signature
order siblings by src_line;
Reverse Call Tree Query
We can also run a reverse call tree query. Pick a function or procedure in a package that is called by other functions and/or procedures. Again, set the ":OWNER" as the package owner, ":PKG_NAME" as the package name, and ":PROC_NAME" as the function or procedure name. (Updated SQL 04-Jun-2015)
with tgt as (
select * from temp_ident_assocs
where src_object_owner = upper(:OWNER)
and src_object_name = upper(:PKG_NAME)
and src_name = upper(:PROC_NAME)
and src_usage = 'DECLARATION'
), nodes as (
select tgt_signature
,src_object_owner calling_owner
,src_object_name || '.' ||
par_name calling_name
,par_type calling_type
,tgt_object_owner called_owner
,tgt_object_name || '.' ||
tgt_name called_name
,tgt_type called_type
from temp_ident_assocs
where src_usage = 'CALL'
and tgt_type != 'CURSOR'
and tgt_object_owner != 'SYS'
--select * from tgt;
--select * from nodes;
select rownum
,substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(called_name, ' <- '),4) || ' <-'
from nodes
START WITH tgt_signature in (select src_signature from tgt)
CONNECT BY NOCYCLE tgt_signature = PRIOR par_signature
order siblings by src_line;
BONUS: Procedure/Function Lines in a Package
UPDATE (28-Mar-2016): Modified and renamed this table to use line/column position instead of line.
Ever wondered how to determine which DBA_SOURCE lines belong to a procedure/function in a package? This table does that...
create table temp_proc_pos
tablespace SYSAUX
select src_object_owner object_owner
,src_object_name object_name
,src_object_type object_type
,par_name proc_name
,par_type proc_type
,src_signature proc_signature
,src_line beg_line
,src_line end_line
,src_line beg_pos
,src_line end_pos
from temp_ident_assocs
where 0 = 1;
cursor main is
select src_object_owner, src_object_name, src_object_type,
par_name, par_type, par_signature, src_line, src_col
from temp_ident_assocs
where src_usage in ('DECLARATION','DEFINITION')
and src_object_type not in ('PACKAGE','TYPE','SYNONYM')
order by src_object_owner, src_object_name, src_object_type,
src_line, src_col;
type main_nt_type is table of main%ROWTYPE;
prev main%ROWTYPE;
curr main%ROWTYPE;
cnt number;
recs number;
function get_last_oline return number is
oline number;
select max(line) into oline from temp_dba_source
where owner = prev.src_object_owner
and name = prev.src_object_name
and type = prev.src_object_type;
return oline;
end get_last_oline;
function get_last_ocol (in_last_oline in number) return number is
ocol number;
select length(text) into ocol from temp_dba_source
where owner = prev.src_object_owner
and name = prev.src_object_name
and type = prev.src_object_type
and line = in_last_oline;
return ocol;
end get_last_ocol;
procedure ins_rec (in_end_line in number, in_end_col in number) is
lv_beg_pos number;
lv_end_pos number;
lv_end_line number;
lv_end_col number;
IF in_end_col = 1 THEN
lv_end_line := in_end_line - 1;
lv_end_col := get_last_ocol(lv_end_line);
lv_end_line := in_end_line;
lv_end_col := in_end_col - 1;
lv_beg_pos := prev.src_line + prev.src_col/1000000;
lv_end_pos := lv_end_line + lv_end_col/1000000;
if lv_beg_pos < lv_end_pos then
insert into temp_proc_pos
recs := recs + 1;
end if;
end ins_rec;
recs := 0;
cnt := 0;
open main;
fetch main into curr;
prev := curr;
IF prev.src_object_owner != curr.src_object_owner OR
prev.src_object_name != curr.src_object_name OR
prev.src_object_type != curr.src_object_type
ins_rec(get_last_oline, get_last_ocol(get_last_oline)+1);
prev := curr;
ELSIF prev.par_signature != curr.par_signature
ins_rec(curr.src_line, curr.src_col);
prev := curr;
cnt := cnt + 1;
fetch main into curr;
if prev.src_object_name is not null then
ins_rec(get_last_oline, get_last_ocol(get_last_oline)+1);
end if;
close main;
dbms_output.put_line('cnt = '||cnt||', recs = '||recs);
create index temp_proc_pos$ix1
on temp_proc_pos(object_owner, object_name, object_type, beg_pos)
tablespace SYSAUX;
comment on table temp_proc_pos is
'Static, indexed version of procedure and function locations within source code in the database.';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.object_owner is
'Database source object owner';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.object_type is
'Database source object type';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.object_name is
'Database source object name';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.proc_name is
'Procedure or function name';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.proc_type is
'Procedure or function type';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.proc_signature is
'Procedure or function signature from ALL_IDENTIFIERS';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.beg_line is
'Beginning line number in the source';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.end_line is
'Ending line number in the source';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.beg_pos is
'Beginning position in the source. Position is line number + (column position/1000000)';
comment on column temp_proc_pos.end_pos is
'Ending position in the source. Position is line number + (column position/1000000)';
DOUBLE BONUS: Tables used by functions and procedures
UPDATE (31-Mar-2016): Modified data in this table to use line/column position instead of line.
How about matching database tables with functions and procedures? The following script creates a table that does, almost. It uses a simple string match, so it may return extra source lines that don't reference a database table. The source text is included to determine if it is not a table.
create table temp_referenced_tabs
tablespace SYSAUX
select proc.object_owner object_owner
,proc.object_name object_name
,proc.object_type object_type
,proc.proc_name proc_name
,proc.proc_type proc_type
,proc.proc_signature proc_signature
,proc.object_owner referenced_owner
,proc.object_name referenced_name
,proc.object_type referenced_type
,src.line line
,src.line col
,src.text text
from temp_proc_pos proc cross join temp_dba_source src
where 1 = 0;
fnd_col number;
for procs in (
select * from temp_proc_pos
order by object_owner, object_name, object_type, beg_pos)
for deps in (
select * from temp_dba_dependencies dep
where dep.owner = procs.object_owner
and = procs.object_name
and dep.type = procs.object_type )
for srcs in (
select * from temp_dba_source src
where src.owner = procs.object_owner
and = procs.object_name
and src.type = procs.object_type
and src.text is not null
and src.line between trunc(procs.beg_pos)
and trunc(procs.end_pos) )
fnd_col :=
,'[[:space:],]'||deps.referenced_name||'[[:space:],]' || '|' ||
'[[:space:],]'||deps.referenced_name||'$' || '|' ||
'^'||deps.referenced_name||'[[:space:],]' || '|' ||
if fnd_col > 0 AND
(srcs.line + fnd_col/1000000) between procs.beg_pos
and procs.end_pos
insert into temp_referenced_tabs
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
create index temp_referenced_tabs$ix1
on temp_referenced_tabs (object_name, object_type, object_owner)
tablespace SYSAUX;
create index temp_referenced_tabs$ix2
on temp_referenced_tabs (referenced_name, referenced_type, referenced_owner)
tablespace SYSAUX;
comment on table temp_referenced_tabs is
'Static, indexed version of procedure and function references to table-like objects in the database.';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.object_owner is
'Database source object owner';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.object_type is
'Database source object type';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.object_name is
'Database source object name';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.proc_name is
'Procedure or function name';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.proc_type is
'Procedure or function type';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.proc_signature is
'Procedure or function signature from ALL_IDENTIFIERS';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.referenced_owner is
'Database source object owner of the object being directly referenced';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.referenced_type is
'Database source object type of the object being directly referenced';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.referenced_name is
'Database source object name of the object being directly referenced';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.line is
'Line number in the source';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.col is
'Column number in the source';
comment on column temp_referenced_tabs.text is
'Text of the source';
drop table temp_referenced_tabs;
drop table temp_proc_pos;
drop table temp_ident_assocs;
drop table temp_dba_dependencies;
drop table temp_dba_source;
drop table temp_dba_identifiers;
drop function temp_trigger_offset;